Kiel Canal closure

27 Dec 2022 / Kiel Canal, Germany

Kiel Canal authorities have advised that the Canal is estimated to reopen on 28 December 2022 at 12:00 hrs lt.

For future voyages, Masters are required to declare the following statement to the Kiel Canal VKZ Authority prior to every single transit.


Exclusion of liability for damages and losses
We are aware that since December 16th 2022 in the Kiel Canal, especially in the area of Brunsbüttel and in the Brunsbüttel-Locks, an oil pollution occurs.

The decision to pass the Kiel Canal in full knowledge of the above mentioned oil pollution is taken at our own risk and in the awareness that during the passage an oil pollution at the vessel may occur.

In so far as during or after the passage through the Kiel Canal damages or pollution at the vessel occur, which result from or are related to the above mentioned oil pollution, or additional damages or losses ocur, which result from or are related to that oil pollution, we agree that the Federal Republic of Germany is not liable for those damages or losses.

We are aware that this exclusion of liability is not applicable in case of acts of the Federal Republic of Germany executed wilfully or by gross negligence. For damage of life, body and health the Republic of Germany is liable according to the provisions of German law (liability for negligence and intention).

This exclusion of liability agreement shall be governed by German law.

In cases of disputes the German wording of this exclusion of liability shall prevail.

Signature and seal of the Master


For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in the Kiel Canal, contact the GAC Dubai Hub Agency Centre at [email protected].

Source: Sartori & Berger – GAC network agent

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