Crew change requirements

28 Oct 2020 / Denmark

All personnel crossing the Danish borders from high-risk countries to attend vessels as technicians, superintendents, surveyors etc, must carry a document stating their purpose of visit and a negative COVID-19 test report no older than 72 hours. The document stating the purpose of visit can be issued by GAC Denmark in the form of a Letter of Guarantee.


Foreigners in direct transit with a worthy purpose are always exempt from the requirement to present a negative COVID-19 test before entering Denmark.

Exemption from requirement for negative COVID-19 test

Foreign crew members on ships that sign on or sign off in Danish ports are exempt from the requirement to present a negative COVID-19 test.

Shore Leave

Foreign seafarers who wish to make use of Shore leave must, be able to present a negative COVID-19 test, taken a maximum of 72 hours before going ashore. Shore leave may not be used to have a COVID-19 test performed, which is why COVID-19 test must be performed before arrival in Denmark, or on the ship after arrival in Denmark.

Applies to all

Foreigners residing in high-risk countries or quarantine countries outside the EU, Schengen or the United Kingdom who enters Denmark with a worthy purpose, including workers, must be able to present a negative COVID-19 test, taken a maximum of 72 hours before entry.

If a foreigner shows clear signs of illness, such as cough, signs of fever or similar, the person can not be allowed to enter regardless of whether the person has a worthy purpose.

For an updated list of the high-risk countries or further details/updates, as well as information about operations in Denmark, contact GAC Denmark at [email protected]

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.