Change to pilotage & towage cancellation conditions

07 Jul 2023 / Tasmania, Australia

In the latest TasPorts Schedule of Port Charges, effective from 1 July, changes have been made to the cancellation period and late change fee for pilotage and towage:

A cancellation charge applies when a vessel movement is cancelled within six (6) hours of the time for which a Pilot has been ordered at a port, but prior to a Pilot commencing transfer to a vessel.
A late change fee will be applied where a vessel movement is changed within six (6) hours of the time for which a Pilot has been ordered at a port, but prior to a Pilot commencing transfer to a vessel.

A Cancellation Fee (per tug) will be charged when towage is cancelled or deferred within six (6) hours of the time for which a tug service has been ordered.
Where tugs are ordered with less notice than six (6) hours, a Late Order Fee (per tug) will be charged.

For further details, as well as information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at [email protected]

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