5 ship agent essentials for a port call winning hand
by Eric Barnard, Managing Director GAC South Africa
PASSION Loving your job and your daily duties is what makes you go the extra mile for your customers and GAC.
COMMUNICATION Prompt, effective communication is always appreciated by every customer. Responding promptly to enquiries and reporting accurately and on time are vital to the success of any job. Keeping clients updated before, during and after the port call is extremely important. As agents we are their eyes and ears in the port, and we should be updating them so often that they will not need to ask any questions.
COORDINATION Keeping the port, terminals and service providers updated at regular times daily (08h00 + 16h00) will result in the secure planning and execution of the required services.
REPUTABLE SUPPLIERS/SERVICE DELIVERY As agents it is our duty to ensure all services are carried out to the satisfaction of our customer. So, we need reliable and trustworthy service providers that are aligned with our vision to deliver the best service to all our customers.
MASTER FEEDBACK/CLIENT SATISFACTION It is important to get feedback from the Master on our performance during the port call. That way we can improve on any areas of concern regarding our performance or any of our service providers.